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Peter Halemba phalemba64@gmail.com 02-21-2020 1:00:27 PM CST Do you offer a kit to put disk brakes on a 1959 Skylines which fit within the stock 14" wheels
Charles E Bardo fwiggie99@yahoo.com 10-07-2019 3:17:19 PM CST do you still offer fiberglass front fenders for the 65 Galaxie ?
Norris norrissull129@gmail.com 09-11-2019 8:19:46 PM CST I'm looking for fiberglass hood, doors, bumpers and deck lid for my 65 Comet. If anyone has all or some please email me with pictures, details and price. No junk please. Thank you
michael mcdonagh nastycop@charter.net 07-14-2019 6:09:30 PM CST Will the fairlane traction bars fit a 63 galaxy
Shane Bryant hawaiitbryant@yahoo.com 06-30-2019 11:39:41 AM CST  Need a 1970 Mercury Cyclone Spoiler trunk lid prop rod as pictured any help would be appropriated hawaiitbryant@yahoo.com some that didn’t know what they were doing slammed my trunk at a car show
Randy Osborne 06-26-2019 5:06:10 PM CST I've Finished my 64 Fairlane Thunderbolt Clone, Thank you for letting me post my Car. Your Products are Fantastic
Randy Osborne 06-26-2019 5:06:06 PM CST I've Finished my 64 Fairlane Thunderbolt Clone, Thank you for letting me post my Car. Your Products are Fantastic
Randy Osborne 06-26-2019 5:05:43 PM CST I've Finished my 64 Fairlane Thunderbolt Clone, Thank you for letting me post my Car. Your Products are Fantastic
Randy Osborne 06-26-2019 5:05:28 PM CST I've Finished my 64 Fairlane Thunderbolt Clone, Thank you for letting me post my Car. Your Products are Fantastic
Jon Jonb8s@hotmail.com 05-14-2019 1:59:52 PM CST Hi I’m looking for a pair of NOS rear quarter panels for my 61 Starliner , if any one out there has some or some one knows the whereabouts of a pair ,
Regards Jon
Michael Kouma mkouma@abcauto.com 04-16-2019 4:04:18 PM CST  My 69 Ranchero Rio Grande.
John Jhmrtn2009@gmail.com 02-07-2019 12:50:45 AM CST How do I get in contact so I can order parts? No reply to email and no answer to phone calls?
red7218 01-04-2019 8:37:59 PM CST Are their any instructions, photos, or videos of 62-65 Fairlane front frame extension installation. I've been looking on you tube and haven't seen anything.
Byron Gates 12-07-2018 11:47:09 PM CST  Thank you for providing a great hood
Jon Shelton Jons@chartermi.net 12-06-2018 9:06:03 PM CST  Engine
Jon Shelton Jons@chartermi.net 12-06-2018 9:05:09 PM CST  Guess just one photo per post
Jon Shelton Jons@chartermi.net 12-06-2018 9:01:36 PM CST  Here are few Pictures of Wife's 63 1/2 all Crites Glass pieces, 427 All Aluminum Block & Heads. Engine on Dyno is a All NOS 427 HR made 500 HP just installed in a 1964 Fairlane Post Car with all Crites Parts.
Dan 12-01-2018 1:42:00 PM CST I got my parts today. Thanks Crites!
Robert maust rwrmaust1@hotmail.com 11-20-2018 8:53:47 PM CST  Have crites traction bar kit and headers.help with fe power in my 63.5 galaxie dyno at 680 hp. Thanks crites for all your help.
Robert maust rwrmaust1@hotmail.com 11-20-2018 8:39:01 PM CST  My 64 has fiberglass hood from crites great fix.
Robert maust rwrmaust1@hotmail.com 11-20-2018 8:34:48 PM CST  My 63.5 has fiberglass hood,innerfenders,outer fenders,stone guard,bumpers,and trunk lid. From crites great fit.
Robert maust rwrmaust1@hotmail.com 11-20-2018 8:34:26 PM CST  My 63.5 has fiberglass hood,innerfenders,outer fenders,stone guard,bumpers,and trunk lid. From crites great fit.
Jeff J Drevenik jeffdrevenik0@gmail.com 11-12-2018 3:52:58 PM CST I have purchased parts from you before and I'm very pleased I'm asking you I have a 64 two-door post car and I see you have fiberglass doors do you have doors for this car with a frame all the way around a window thanks
Dumb ass mndeacon@aol.com 11-02-2018 10:40:05 PM CST  this site is practicaly worthless, you cannot order anything online so why the fuck do you even have a website?
James pPhillips bleedingfordblue@yahoo.com 10-11-2018 7:42:05 PM CST Do you make a transmission cross member for a 62 Galaxies with a aod